¡Descuentos exclusivos en tablas personalizadas!

Grabados Personalizados

Transformamos tus ideas en arte funcional con grabados únicos para cualquier ocasión especial.

A textured wooden cutting board with the word 'Enjoy' written on it stands upright against a tiled wall. Next to it is a black ceramic mug with a marble-like pattern, filled with coffee, resting on a smooth, light-colored countertop.
A textured wooden cutting board with the word 'Enjoy' written on it stands upright against a tiled wall. Next to it is a black ceramic mug with a marble-like pattern, filled with coffee, resting on a smooth, light-colored countertop.
A wooden board with various food items arranged neatly. The board contains bread slices, cheese, honey, and green beans, along with some other small food items. The background appears to be a textured wooden surface, adding to the rustic aesthetic.
A wooden board with various food items arranged neatly. The board contains bread slices, cheese, honey, and green beans, along with some other small food items. The background appears to be a textured wooden surface, adding to the rustic aesthetic.
Diseños Exclusivos

Creamos piezas únicas que combinan funcionalidad y estilo, perfectas para regalos y decoración temática.

Calidad Artesanal

Utilizamos materiales de alta calidad y técnicas artesanales para garantizar durabilidad y diseño excepcional.

Proyectos Personalizados

Creamos tablas únicas para cada ocasión y cliente especial.

A wooden cutting board with dried orange slices and a candy cane rests on a table. Next to it is a jar filled with gingerbread cookies and other assorted cookies, including some covered with icing and sprinkles.
A wooden cutting board with dried orange slices and a candy cane rests on a table. Next to it is a jar filled with gingerbread cookies and other assorted cookies, including some covered with icing and sprinkles.
Grabados Personalizados

Diseños únicos para regalos y eventos especiales.

A wooden board holding several chocolate truffles coated with chopped nuts and coconut flakes, adorned with purple and white edible flowers and green leaves.
A wooden board holding several chocolate truffles coated with chopped nuts and coconut flakes, adorned with purple and white edible flowers and green leaves.
Two overlapping wooden cutting boards are placed on a fabric with a floral pattern. The boards are rectangular with rounded edges and have holes at the handle with leather strings attached. The fabric background is green with small white and pink flowers connected by delicate, vine-like stems.
Two overlapping wooden cutting boards are placed on a fabric with a floral pattern. The boards are rectangular with rounded edges and have holes at the handle with leather strings attached. The fabric background is green with small white and pink flowers connected by delicate, vine-like stems.
A wooden cutting board features the word 'FRIDAY' spelled out using small sticks. A hand holding a lit match is visible at the bottom of the image, suggesting the match will be used to light the sticks. The scene is warmly lit with a cozy ambiance, further enhanced by a lit candle on the side and small decorative lights around the board.
A wooden cutting board features the word 'FRIDAY' spelled out using small sticks. A hand holding a lit match is visible at the bottom of the image, suggesting the match will be used to light the sticks. The scene is warmly lit with a cozy ambiance, further enhanced by a lit candle on the side and small decorative lights around the board.
Arte Funcional

Transformamos madera en piezas que impresionan y son útiles.

Tablas Personalizadas

Diseños únicos y grabados especiales para cada ocasión memorable.

A collection of intricately crafted wooden kitchen utensils, neatly stacked and adorned with green tags. The utensils display rich wood grain patterns with a natural, polished finish.
A collection of intricately crafted wooden kitchen utensils, neatly stacked and adorned with green tags. The utensils display rich wood grain patterns with a natural, polished finish.
A close-up of a wooden board featuring sliced cheese, fresh strawberries, grapes, and decorative napkins with gold footprints printed on them.
A close-up of a wooden board featuring sliced cheese, fresh strawberries, grapes, and decorative napkins with gold footprints printed on them.
A wooden board featuring an arrangement of chocolate cups filled with cream and topped with bright red raspberries, accompanied by white decorative elements.
A wooden board featuring an arrangement of chocolate cups filled with cream and topped with bright red raspberries, accompanied by white decorative elements.
A wooden-framed message board reads 'OUR SECRET INGREDIENT IS LOVE,' with blurred pink flowers in the foreground and a dark background.
A wooden-framed message board reads 'OUR SECRET INGREDIENT IS LOVE,' with blurred pink flowers in the foreground and a dark background.